Saturday, December 7, 2013

Building the “Toucan” wooden clock Part 6

After staining and finish of  the gears I put all together to see what issues come out but fortunately the only problem was in the Escape wheel, I had to sand all the teeth as they were too slippery. Here is a video of the test. I hope the mechanism  is smooth enough for the electric coil to kept it making “tic tack” SonrisaReloj

For the coil I used a screw and to pieces of round PC boards that I bought in Radio Shack to complete the reel. I used a heat shrink to cover the screw before winding
I made a small winding machine using a toy dc motor with gearbox and 2 AA batteries. A lithe bit of wood, a piece of 1” rod and two screws  helped to complete this provisional machine

2013-12-07 20.08.54
I ordered a stepper motor to add a rotary axis to my CNC. For the next coil I will use my CNC as a winding machine to make a perfect coil! as I will advance I a coordinated way.

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